Truthful Eyes: A Look at Mississippi Schools takes an in-depth look at Mississippi’s school districts, analyzing more than 100 different data points from MDE’s 2018-2019 assessments, U.S. Census, and other sources.
The data is grouped in the following areas:
Accountability: MDE assessments and scores
District Profile: MDE student enrollment,and number of teachers and schools
Teaching and Leading: MDE teacher education and experience
Community Profile: U.S. Census poverty, employment and homeownership rates
Family Profile: U.S. Census and National Center for Educational Statistics, family poverty, parent education, and homeownership
Truthful Eyes analyzed data to answer the following questions:
What impact does poverty have on district and student performance?
What family and community variables impact student and district performance?
What difference does teacher experience have on a district’s performance?
13 School districts examined
6 Counties
A-rated Districts
Clinton Madison County Pearl Lowndes County
B-rated District
C-rated District
D-rated Districts
JPS Canton Columbus Moss Point
F-rated District